
Published on 4 November 2022 at 23:45

As I approach my 48th year of life, and as I search for answers to life's most bothersome questions. Come with me, a new affiliate wannabe marketing dad.  I exist in a place of sub urban manifestation complete with strip malls and spacious boutique shops.  The roads are well maintained and the police seem to not give a shit anymore! Wait, wait, I think this is a good thing. The whole defund the police movement however small in it's time of influence really did crush the spirit of law enforcement everywhere. The way I see it the boys in blue thought they were part of the system they worked for, collected money for, and maintained security for got kicked the fuck out of the club and financially shit on by mostly Democrats in the defunding movement.

we will never know what is real and what is a part of the controllers manipulative agenda.  I must confess having a conversation with a friend about how fucked up our goverment had become and both of us admitted that we were comfortable enough in suburbia that we don't care about all that bullshit until it's staring us right in our lazy faces!  That's the great mistake that is a byproduct of the great reset, that leaders can plan all they want and use our money to do it only until the bullshit lands on the porches of suburbia- that's when America's switch will be "flipped" to a very Violent ON position. It will be a quick cleaning house of our leaders that have continually bombarded our peacefull evenings of family drunkenness with racist diversity and media bullshit riddled with Masonic bullshit on top of other bullshit that we all know isn't true and isn't real. 
Im a sub contractor I live in the suburbs and I am declaring myself the King of Suburban Land! For the suburbs I have been born into, worked on, and made my kingdom. 
It is my bullshit that is of most importance , the subjects I choose to troll that will bring the most enjoyment, and My expressions will serve as the opinions most held here on my glorious Suburban lands.

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